Solicitors are responsible for s198/199 accuracy.

As a Solicitor you are responsible for the accurate completion of your clients’ CPSE s32. Many Solicitors are facing litigation for the consequential loss of tax savings due to inaccurate or poorly advised entries. But we can help.

How can we help?

Get started in 60 seconds

You’ll receive a response to your search within 24 hours. If there is a potential claim, we will arrange surveys, collect information and provide a report with the completed s198 or s199 forms.

  • 1
    Property Details

    Along with the address, we will need to know when the property was purchased and what was paid for it.

  • 2
    Client Details

    We only need basic contact details and if they are buying or selling a property.

  • 3

    That’s it! We’ll run our checks and collate the information we need to accurately advise on your client’s tax position. If there is a potential claim, we’ll let you know.

Simple but important

Our fully integrated online solution takes only minutes to complete and provides total indemnification for your company.

We provide a completed s198 or s199 form after assessing the capital allowances position of your client’s property. Our system is fully traceable with real-time information available via your custom online dashboard.

Learn more

Some numbers

We regularly identify up to 35% of the property purchase price in allowances.

Every claim we have ever submitted
to HMRC has been approved.

In a recent Law Society survey
over 2 thirds of Solicitors said they
would refer clients for s32.

Recent reviews

Very professional and effective, I will definitely be recommending you

It's a brilliant product.

James Hamilton
Mornington Consulting

I couldn't believe my Solicitor didn't do this, and when I found out I was able to claim back a substantial amount of tax just in time for the sale.

David Martin
Arctic Spas

A professional service from start finish - it generated a nice tax rebate and I'll also gain in the coming years.

Rob Hupperdine

Start searching now

If you need any help, we have a great support team – just click here.